In the following list you will find out about some tragic facts about the Child abuse worldwide.
- Approximately 5 children die every day because of child abuse.
- Most children do not tell anyone they have been abused, and those who do tell often have to tell several people before any action is taken.
- Children who experience child abuse and neglect are 59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested as an adult, and 30% more likely to commit violence crime.
- Children living with a single parent or a parent living with an unmarried partner are most at risk for child maltreatment, which is over eight times the rate of children living with married biological parents.
- Children may not reveal sexual abuse because they feel shame or guilt, they worry no one will believe them, they fear being removed from their home, and they or their family may have been threatened. Very young children may not have the language skills to report the abuse or may not understand they are being abused.
- Africa has the highest prevalence of child sexual abuse (34.4%). Europe has the lowest rate of abuse (9.2%). America and Asia have rates between 10.1% and 23.9%.
- Ninety-five percent of molested children know their molesters.
- Child molesters come from all backgrounds and social classes. However, most molesters (1) are male, (2) work in an environment surrounded by children, (3) befriend the parents first and then gain the child’s trust, and (4) attend events such as sports, camping, and video arcades.
- Male offenders who abused girls have an average of 52 victims each. Men who molested boys had an average of 150 victims each.
- According to WHO (World Health Organization), 1.8 million children are involved in pornography and prostitution. Over 1.2 million children have been trafficked.
- 14% of all men and 36% of all women in prison were abused as children.
- 1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18.
- Sexual abuse, or any kind of abuse, negatively and permanently affects the physical development of a child’s brain. These physical changes result in psychological and emotional problems in adulthood.
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